What do you usually reach for when you're thirsty? If you said water, then you're not alone. But instead of reaching for plain water, why not reach one of these 12 Fruit infused sparkling water recipes?
These infused water recipes will help you quench your thirst and they're delicious!
Drinking water flavored with fruit is an easy way to get your eight glasses or recommended water into your body every day.
I've never been a fan of sugary drinks. Not even when I was younger. But for some people the struggle is real.
Fruit infused sparkling water is full of natural sweetness, not added sugar. It's also full of flavor; and it's an easy way to get more water into our daily diet.
Is Infused Water Healthy?
We all know that drinking water is important to our overall health and well-being. Drinking infused water can also be healthy for us. As long as you're infusing with healthy fruits and vegetables.
According to Carespot, "Infused water, or detox water, is blended with various fruits and herbs that can have enormous health benefits."
Drinking infused water will help you stop drinking sugary sodas, or sugary sports drinks. It can also help prevent constipation.
Helpful Kitchen Tools
Before we look at the recipes, let's take a look at a few kitchen tools that will help us create these fruit infused sparkling water recipes:
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