These flavored water recipes with lemon are the best way to start your day! Homemade infused water recipes are delicious, refreshing, and so easy to make.
They are a great way to stay hydrated, flush your body of toxins and keep your metabolism going to help you burn fat all day long!
Today, let's take a look at a few that are only flavored with lemon.
Water keeps your body hydrated and the levels of vitamin C found naturally in lemons do great things for your overall health and wellness! Adding fresh fruit and herbs to still or sparkling water is a great way to boost flavor without adding calories or sugar.
Flavored water recipes with lemon are the perfect way to get your daily requirement of water and vitamin C! It really can be as easy as adding lemon to your water to change the taste from boring to delicious!
If you normally reach for a non-alcoholic drink, soda or juice to refresh you, why not try drinking a few of these water flavored recipes:
Lemon Water
My husband loves lemon in water and in his iced tea. He actually loves to eat the lemon wedges when he's done drinking the glass of water!
A fun thing I love to do when company is coming is to make lemon ice cubes:
- Slice lemons into wedges. Make sure they have been washed first.
- Then add the lemon wedges to an ice cube tray.
- Fill the tray with water.
- Place the tray in the freezer until the ice cubes are frozen solid.
- Remove from the tray and add to glasses of cold water.
Top Tip
Add pieces of fresh mint or fresh basil for added flavor to your ice cubes. Also try lime wedges, sliced strawberries and blueberries!
Check out my full recipe for fruit ice cubes. for more information.
Helpful Kitchen Tools
Here is a few items you might find helpful when created your very own flavored water recipes with lemon:
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Recipe FAQ
What does lemon flavored water do?
Water is necessary for hydration and lemon enhances the flavor of the water. For some people it makes it easier for them to drink.
Before You Begin!
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